NapsGear Review:
Placed an order with Naps after doing my research on here and went with my gut and bought from them due to their ranking and reputation of successful shipments and quality AAS. This was my first of two orders with Naps Ordered in April
Communication & Ordering process
None needed for this order. Was very impressed with how quick they took care of me.
Delivery (T/A) & Packaging
I order on a Saturday. They picked up my donation on that Monday and Shipped it Thursday of that week. It landed the following Wednesday. Took about 10 days total. 3-4 actual business days after it shipped which was incredible. I did not look at the tracker after the first time thinking it would take awhile. Then the day of I looked and it was already out for delivery. Very discreet Packaging
Items ordered
Gp Dbol 50mg
Gp Proviron 25mg
Liv 52
Product effectiveness and experience
50mg ED 6 weeks-DBol
25Mg ED 6 weeks-Proviron
Liv-52 4 ED 8 weeks
I felt the Dbol after 5-6 days. It was not long into my workout when I looked in the mirror and realized my pump was pretty over the top and realized it was working. I was high on life while taking dbol. My Deadlift went from 405 to 475 in two weeks.
The proviron made me feel tighter and just a tad more kick in my libido.
The Dbol did make my nipples sensitive but I fixed that with an AI and PCT-only side, No aggression or Back pumps or acne. I did take accutane as a college kid so I am not prone to it anymore.
Additional commentary
I will be ordering from them again. 2 for 2 on orders from naps. will do another review when I use the other gear I bought.